Learning English throughout the academic course can be extended into the summer months for younger learners (6-17yrs) by attending summer camps either in Spain or abroad.
We work in collaboration with summer camps in Andalucía which have proved extremely popular with younger children.The camps last for periods of 2 weeks, they run throughout July and August, and need to be reserved in advance. Both teacher s and monitors are native English speakers, so once they enter the camp they will be completely immersed in English. It is hard to believe you are still in Spain!

For teenagers, we highly recommend a summer course in the West of Ireland. Students are placed in host families where they are exceptionally well taken care of. Students attend classes in the mornings and have a wide variety of activities in the evenings. Weekends consist of outings to places of interest and family time.
We also cater for families who wish to travel and study together. Family members share the same accommodation in a host family, go to separate English classes, and have the option of joining together for activities or doing separate things. Either way, a good time is sure to be had by all—in English of course!
For more information on Summer Camps, please contact us.